Sunday, August 17, 2014

Finished sculpture Recipe for Ginger and Lemon Drink: You must have: - ginger (amount determined by

Our backyard, view from the kitchen market in our neighborhood today do not start school until 15, which is both good and a little bit frustrating. It's good because I can sleep late if I want (something I almost never do anyway) and I can work on projects / homework from early morning, which I think is best. Practical things work best in the morning, while creativity is strongest when falling over at noon, mostly anyway. The frustrating part is that when we start so late in the day, so we stop even later and then it's already kept the evening. I do not know why but I always feel like I get more out of the day if I start school early than if I start late. I forestn slept very well last night, antaglighvis because I was ferdi sculpture before I went. Unfortunately, I know a little stress lump deep inside that says I should continue working hoyer hamburg on it since I finished so early. It's a bit unusual for me and not be "last minute" ... Therefore, I have today had quite a good time. I've cleared some of the room, sat on a washing machine and started reading Stig Larson's Millenium Trilogy; "Men who hate women" I have planned to read the books before I see the movies and I have not seen all the episodes I have of "Dexter" so I itch after watching hoyer hamburg movies, so I have taken hold of the book. I'm happy with it so far. Technical Drawing Anyway, this time I have completed homework in advance of the hour! There is little good to be done in good time too. 10 point's to me: D This is the subject "form, function and structure" we have every Monday. This time the theme was "container and contained" and aims to create a sculpture that has these two elements (content and the one that keeps the contents inside) We had a workshop to get us to understand better where we were having with two flavors each, creating a "new" taste and then create a "box" or "container" to it. The taste and the box would represent a class we would give it to. I gave my Camilla. I have a story behind this too, even though we were not going there this time, but I do not like to make something that has no meaning! It is inspired by the worlds we humans have created. The artificial, technological and cold worlds with advanced tools and cities. hoyer hamburg It is a symbol of how we humans have distansiert us away from nature and each other. We are on this box. But we all come from nature and we carry it all with us (hence the patterns on the outside of the box) and within us there is a creativity and life energy hoyer hamburg just waiting to break out, it's just about a let it do it (it's the strips of cardboard symbolizes) Haha, a little artistic and maybe a little bit special, but this was what I was thinking the other day. I just hope that it will be "accepted" box I made for Camilla Camilla box made for me I have forestn assumed the character hoyer hamburg of "shadow box project" in design 2 and I were both overerasket and so very happy. hoyer hamburg * Drum roll *; I got an A +! , D Whohoo! That made my day! However, after such a good character, it becomes more difficult to stay on top, but it's a good motivator it. Unfortunately, the task we've got now, "new approach" that is about to make accessibility easier in Milan, not so simple. I really struggle with inspiration .... hope it clears soon, since we will present what we have found out on Friday. Come home to the meatball one day, lucky! Chinese take-away, yum! Camilla made fruit with chocolate for movie night, tommeln hoyer hamburg up! Oh well, it will work out for sure. Did I mention that it's raining outside? It's raining and I was a bit a cold for a few days, but it's been over now. Camilla however still struggling hoyer hamburg poor. Hope ginger water helps (recipe below) Haha, I must foresestn hoyer hamburg tell what we did last night! Camilla and I got to talking in doorways to our rooms when we suddenly heard William come. Then had shot an idea in the head at me and I just Camilla: "Ska we skræm he ?? Turn off the light!" So we did and he sensed peace and safety and padded into the bathroom. "Me hide in his room!" whispers Camilla, so do we. I struggled so not to break out laughing and suddenly get Camilla the cough ball, so she must be hurried to her room to not expose us. Right after, William finished in the bathroom and turn off the lights and it's pitch black. Camilla did not return and I got to wondering behind the door. I saw absolutely nothing and when I heard that he came in so I shouted "BO" and grabbed him. He literally jumped up and out into the hallway. We kept on laughing ourselves hoyer hamburg to death all together. Finally I got revenge! Unfortunately, I think that I live a little unsafe to come now .... It was worth it, mohahaha!
Finished sculpture Recipe for Ginger and Lemon Drink: You must have: - ginger (amount determined by you) - lemon (about. 1.2 to 1 disc) - water (about 1L - honey (1-2 tablespoons) to do: - Peel and cut the ginger into slices (relatively thin so you can get out all

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