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The full text of the latest draft of the proposed representation, the judiciary
8 - addressing a request to change the name of the document in terms of gender Sjly Court of Justice jurisdiction.
Vote Vahdt No. 224 dated 07.08.1349 procedures, "according to a transcript of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Justice rulings attached Letter No. 5973-7 dated 10.11.1345 and attached is a contrasting opinions about the name change certificate contained in the different branches State courts have issued such a case, according to 41/795 Fifth Branch of the Center for State Courts, claiming "no" when asked to amend the child's birth certificate msc container as to remove Ali from his name to the amended certificate to the court issued the sentence and petitions city granted Research and Statistics msc container Department has requested a vote (summary Pzhvhshkhvah office on petition of protest is called birth Sjly Document No. 1127 issued by the District Magistrates call for Tehran, according to the father accoucheuse evidence msc container according to the office, and the Census and set about their qualifications and no discrepancies and inaccuracies in the documents in question msc container did not occur to Article (44) Civil and the testimony of that a total of seems to be effective justified and Hazrat'e the documents in a period of number 1,127th set out in Article 2 of the Law on Census Adjustment pursuant to Article (999) civil law notary is Dad mentioned in these documents and materials can be changed msc container by witnesses and the lower court's does not become an Vote (s) according far has issued a petition to the court, this seems to afflict prescribed in Article (515) of the Civil Yyndadrsy Btan denounce it and vote on case No. 1127, issued called primitive and thus the validity of documents and declares Sjly. If that's the case according to 45/471 in the Central Province branch of the six courts of the claim "A" Khadija asked to remove the hair from birth PBUH in city court and the court plans to remove Khadija had issued the first name ... Research and Statistics msc container Department has requested a vote: (what's msc container referred to in Article (999) civil law and the presumption is that the legislature considered the official document and change Sjly only about the history of the testimony of witnesses, table of contents it just be unknowingly Otherwise, removing debris from the birth certificate if the plaintiff's msc container claim is effective enough legal evidence so far certainly do not see the above comments to a visit to the statements of the birth certificate incurred Khadije ... the use of excess event that witnesses Shackles petition msc container the Court of First Instance that Shyha issued and removes the requirement Mfada of Khadijah, the story is ... identity is verified and firm). Center msc container for State Courts in five states branch to see kind of testimony about the Sjly documents within the period prescribed by the law in Article 2 of the should have been issued unknowingly and the Census documents Article (999 ) civil law notary in number knowledge and contrary msc container to the testimony Center for State Courts, Branch VI, except in the case of the effective date of production so far has identified provisions of the courts of this dispute is seen as the in the to make basis points Procedures Article (2) additional msc container material Yyndadrsy criminal law case in which the board plans to appeal the decision to create a single procedure. Attorney General - doctor Aliabadi General Board of the Supreme Court was established on 07.08.1349 after reading msc container the report and business plan and review papers, case theory, Mr. Attorney General's B as set forth in required before same two pleader case of the know I quoted. Center for State Courts, the following petition was presented in six chapters: "Certificate No. 1091, issued in Tehran two named Khadija and section 2 (.
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