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He completed his medical studies in 1885 from Columbia University in New York. He became a successful and highly respected container diaries eye surgeon. From 1886 to 1891 he was professor of ophthalmology at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital.
"How is it that if glasses are correct, they need to be? Constantly made stronger eyes are apparently container diaries becoming weaker by the use of glasses. Would the dosage of the right drug, logically, be as patient get better just reduced will. "
He took his retinoscope - a tool by which the refraction of the eye is measured - anywhere to examine eyes of both humans and animals in most situations. Looking for the cause of vision defects.
Bates published a study about a little girl who was temporarily nearsighted when she lied to him. This fact was very important to him because it was consistent with his findings container diaries that people are myopic container diaries if they are worried.
He drew from this the conclusion that, prior to blurred vision, always involves mental stress. And eyes that can properly recover from external injuries, such as scratches, dents, cuts and even burns, container diaries but they can be mental stress blind.
The results were amazing, the number of myopic children did not increase and sight of children who were myopic improved rapidly. In schools where the number of myopic children did nothing was in line with the national average.
In 1910 he returned to New York, where he worked as an ophthalmologist in Harlem Hospital. In the hospital he worked with his future wife Emily Lierman by Bates' method had improved. Their own vision
In 1891 Dr. Published Bates his first article on curing myopia in a medical journal. Prove he did so to photograph the changes in the curvature of the eye were visible by the eye. In another article he discussed the influence of the memory of the vision.
In 1923, Bates moved his clinic to his own practice. container diaries Saturdays were here free clinic days. He treated patients with all types of vision disorders and made 7 days a week, working ten hours or more.
Meanwhile, he had managed to get. Away from his own very strong reading glasses He proved that the same natural "see-habits" that myopia recovered, also gave results for farsightedness and other vision disorders.
He was convinced that even the heavier conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, detaching retina, etc. all had their origins in tense, incorrect "see-habits" and that the return to the correct "see-habits" could bring much relief here .
In 1943, his wife Emily gave his book again under the title "Better eyesight without glasses. In this revised edition, much of the original text omitted. Thereby, understanding what Bates wanted to convey. To his readers the difficult
So Bates method are not intended. Bates just said that you had to apply throughout the day see the natural habits like people with good vision do. He also had his patients do exercises that were aimed at achieving. Relaxation of the eye and the mind
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