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The Owner CCNI announced yesterday on its website, the launch of two new container services, with stops planned for the main ports of the country. The two services will be the East Coast Express feeder (EFX) which should start operating in February, and the Brazil Europe Container Service conteiners - (BEC) - in joint venture with Hanjin, Cosco and UASC (United Arab Shipping Co) - and is scheduled to start operations in March.
The EFX service will be weekly, operating on fixed days, and through access via transshipment of the Port of Cartagena, Colombia, trades attendant to the West Coast, conteiners East Coast and US Gulf of Mexico, North Europe, Mediterranean and west coast South America. turn the BEC will operate a weekly route between Northern Europe, the Mediterranean and the South American west coast. Six 2,500 TEU units (measurement equivalent to one 20-foot container) will be used in the path, two ships owned the UASC and two of Hanjin, while Cosco and CCNI will contribute one vessel each.
The EFX ranges running north also provide a stop in the Port of Rotterdam, Holland, Port of Hamburg, Germany, Port of Antwerp, Belgium, Algeciras (Spain), and Brazil will be the following ports: Rio de Janeiro ( RJ), Santos (SP), Itajaí (SC) and Salvador (BA), while the northbound rotation includes Rio de Janeiro, Itajaí, Santos, Salvador, Algeciras, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Antwerp. But the BEC heading south will pass through the ports of Cartagena, Suape, Santos, Rio Grande, Navegantes, Paranagua, Rio de Janeiro and Salvador, returning to Suape. The path heading north comprises the port of Rio Grande, conteiners Navegantes, Paranagua, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Cartagena.
The BEC may also include, in the future, an additional call at the Port of Paranaguá. It is estimated that the joint between the shipowners perform the first shipment on March 5, leaving Rotterdam. Before that, the EFX is already operational with the departure of the MV Cap San Antonio on February 4 in Cartagena. "The initiative confirms the continued interest of CCNI in increasing our presence in several markets, generating more and better alternatives for our customers," the company said.
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