Friday, May 22, 2015


CURITIBA 2012 Figure 1 - barrels drawings - Rio de Janeiro 1854 7 Figure 2 - Drawing depicting the transport of slaves and 8 barrels Lloyd Virginia docked 1 Figure 4 - Common Container 12 Figure 5 - Bulk Container 13 Figure 6 - Container Ventilated 13 Figure 7 - Refrigerated Container 14 Figure 8 - Open Top Container 15 Figure 9 - Half Height Container 15 Figure 10 - Open Side Container 16 Figure 1 - Flat Rack Container 16 Figure 12 - Container Platform 17 Figure 13 - Tank Container 17 Figure 14 - High Cube Container 18 Figure 15 - Livestock Container 18 Figure 16 - Standardization storage container for sale of the main types of containers 20 Figure 17 - the containers identification scheme 23 Figure 18 - the containers identification scheme 23 Figure 19 - Picture container prominently in the BIC code container 24 Figure 20 - Indication of parts of a container 31 Figure 21 - Terminal Model Itajaí 3 Figure 2 - Company Model Kombdogie 34 Figure 23 - Model EIR 35 Figure 24 - Model EIR 36 Figure 25 - the company's Model Egfior Lines Figure 37 26 - Container in process ovation 39 Figure 27. Containers several 40 Figure 28 - weight distribution mode 42
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 3 - First 20-foot container storage container for sale for testing at Santos port container terminal, on the eve of its opening on 30/08/1981, while the ship Figure 29 - containerization Sequence - "AutoLoad Pro" ... ................................ 43 Figure 31 - Lay-out software "AutoLoad Pro" storage container for sale 4 Figure 32 - Transtainer CSM 45 Figure 3 - Specification Transtainer 45 Figure 34 - Straddle Carrier TEREX 46 Figure 35 - Fork-lifts TEREX 47 Figure 36 - Reach stakers of TEREX 48 Figure 37 - Photo of a Portainer 49 Figure 38 - Port of Manaus 51 Figure 39 - Santos Transhipment Terminal 52 Figure 40 - Terminal Port of Itapoá 53 Figure 41 - Itajaí Port Terminal SA 54 Figure 42 - Plan of the Port of Peruibe 5 Figure 43 - Paranaguá Terminal Layout 5 Figure 4 - Basic configuration of a container terminal storage container for sale 57 Figure 45 - Layout of a container terminal 57
HISTORY 1 7 2 DIMENSIONS, WEIGHT, STANDARDIZATION AND TYPES OF CONTAINERS 12 2.1 TYPES OF -O 12 2.1.1 Common container or Dry Box 12 2.1.2 Bulk Container 12 2.1.3 Container Ventilated 13 2.1.4 Integrated Reefer storage container for sale Container (cooled) 14 2.1.5 Open Top Container 14 2.1.6 Half Height Container 15 2.1.7 Open Side Container Flat Rack 16 16 2.1.8 2.1.9 2.1.10 17 Container Platform Container Tank 17 2.1.1 High Cube Container 18 2.1.12 Livestock Container 18 2.2 STANDARDIZATION -O 19 19 2.2.1 Standards storage container for sale 2.2.2 Measures 19 3 NUMBER OF CONTAINER 21 3.1 BIC - CODE COTAINER 21 3.2 PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING THE BIC - CODE CONTAINER 24 4 PROCEDURES storage container for sale FOR INSPECTION OF CONTAINERS 25 25 4.2 4.1 DAMAGE SURVEY ON REQUEST AUTHORIZATION TO OPEN 27 4.3 27 4.4 ANALYSIS OF CONTAINER DOCUMENT ANALYSIS 27 4.5 27 4.6 27 4.7 WRITE DOWN THE CHANGE CONTAINER FAULTY 27 4.8 SEPARATE LOTS OF SURVEY REPORT 28 4.9 28 4.1 29 12.4 INSPECTION PHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF DAMAGE DAMAGE THICK 29 29 4:13 4:14 REPAIRS IN CONTAINER 31 INTERCHANGE RECEIPT 3 5.1 MODELS EIR 3 6 OVATION and spawning CONTAINERS 38 6.1 Definitions 38 6.1.1 Stuffing storage container for sale / Ovation 38 6.1.2 Spawning 38 6.2 TERMS OF OVATION and spawning CONTAINERS 38 6.3 STEPS TO BE CONSIDERED IN stuffing CONTAINER 40 6.4 PROHIBITION OF stuffing 42 6.5 SOFTWARE FOR USE stuffing 43
In the beginning of shipping loads were transported through barrels. Use of this allowed to overcome the difficulties of the time, since it has high strength and easy handling. The main difficulties get along on shipment, in view of the absence of electricity, the steam engine and hydraulic systems. The lack of these facilitators implies the absence of cranes and forklifts, storage container for sale for example.
Since there was load lifting equipment, the solution found by the company at that time was to create a bridge between the ship and the pier, where the barrels were rolled. The barrels have solved the big problem loading and unloading of ships and still had some advantages like being endowed with strength, versatility in the use and transport security. Thanks storage container for sale to these features have been used for a long time, and persisted after the evolution of maritime transport, carrying up to this day, for example, wine.
It can be considered storage container for sale the barrel a uniform system of packaging only in its form, because its volumetric capacity storage container for sale and weight varied widely from country to country and even region to region. We can not consider it efficient when t

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