Students whose hobby is playing games and sleeping. Still listed as BINUSIAN 2016 majoring in Information Systems and Management. I hope this blog helps you take an exam. Students Whose hobby is play games and sleep. Still studied as Information System and Management Major Binusian 2016. I hope Reviews These blogs help you to take an exam.そ の 趣味 の ゲ ー ム を プ レ イ し て 眠 っ て い る 学生.ま だ BINUSIAN2016 情報 シ ス テ ム を 専 攻 し, 経 営.私 は こ の ブ ロ グ で は, テ ス ト に 直面 役 に 立 て ば 幸 い
1. Sales Department will send data about sales forecasts or the level of expenditure so that the appropriate level of goods can be ordered to meet customer demand
2. The process oocl cargo tracking of revenue will forward the data to the HR process so that sales staff can be paid for instance based on employee work hours. Details about the staff can be used for performance evaluation purposes.
3. The process of revenue will communicate with the production process in terms of a manufacturing company, with estimated sales of determining the level of planned production and acquisition of raw materials. Likewise, manufacturing will inform staff about the sale of goods or finished goods
6. Expenditure Cycle will communicate with General Ledger and Financial Reporting Cycle so precise details on the expenditures included in the accounting records, oocl cargo tracking including data in the financial statements
7. HR will communicate with General Ledger and Financial Reporting Cycle so that the details of payroll related including leave and other rights claimed by the staff, put in the account. Provision for annual leave, oocl cargo tracking long service leave, leave outstanding income tax and renewed pain. These details will have an impact on profit and loss through the line item expenses oocl cargo tracking such as salaries and annual leave
8. Production will communicate with General Ledger and Financial Reporting oocl cargo tracking Cycle to update the general ledger for the details of the goods produced or manufactured in the process. This will have an impact oocl cargo tracking on the financial position of account statements such as finished goods, work on process, and raw materials. Income will also be affected by the allocation of direct costs used in manufacturing and accumulated oocl cargo tracking charge additional expenses as goods move through the Production process.
9. Sales will communicate with General Ledger and Financial Reporting Cycle so that the details of the sales and earnings-related activity can be included in the accounting records appropriately. For example, the income statement, the balance of receivables in the statement of financial position and cash receipts or cash customers on the report.
System documentation plays an important role in an organization that serves as an organizational oocl cargo tracking memory about how the system is designed and operated.
The system documentation for an accountant is a means to understand the audit trail within the company as well as designing business processes and how the data moves through the business process.
1. Control Environment à Integrity and ethical management, the role of the board of directors and audit committee, oocl cargo tracking delegation of responsibility and authority, policies and practices oocl cargo tracking of human resource management
2. Risk Assessment oocl cargo tracking à Identify, analyze, and manage the risks associated with financial reporting as a new product oocl cargo tracking line, changes in accounting policies, changes in the external environment
3. Information and Communication à Identify and record all valid transactions, provide timely information in detail and precise, appropriate classification and financial reporting
5. Control Activities à Policies and procedures to ensure that appropriate action is taken in response to the risks faced. oocl cargo tracking There are two categories of IT controls (specifically related to the computer) and Physical Controls (associated with human activity)
Prioritizing Strategy:
Customers can order goods from the company. The form can be in the form of customer purchase orders prepared by the customer or the customer's oocl cargo tracking order form prepared by the seller in the sale of goods
Documents prepared in accordance with the customer's order form. A few extra copies of the documents are also ready to start sending and receiving payments from customers. Form of sales orders prepared by the seller in the sale of units
Documents suggest to the customer in terms of what goods, quantity of goods, has been sent. Shipping clerk in the unit l
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