The Illuminati, Learned Elders of Zion, Holy Roman Empire & the NWO as well as The Simpsons Code. 禍 哉 、 那 些 以 虛 假 之 細 繩 牽 罪 孽 的 人 、 他 們 又 像 以 套 繩 拉 罪 惡 。 說 、 任 他 急 速 行 、 趕 快 成 就 他 的 作 為 、 使 我 們 看 看 . 任 以 色 列 聖 者 所 謀 劃 的 臨 近 成 就 、 使 我 們 知 道 。〔賽 5 18-19〕禍 哉 、 那 些 向 耶 和 華 深 藏 謀 略 的 、 又 在 暗 中 行 事 、 說 、 誰 看 見 我 們 呢 . 誰 知 道 我 們 呢 。〔賽 29 15〕 禍 哉 、 這 悖 逆 的 兒 女 ...要 靠 法 老 的 力 量 ... 投 在 埃 及 的 蔭 下 .〔賽 30 1-2〕 禍 哉 、 contener 那 些 下 埃 及 求 幫 助 的...耶 和 華 ...攻 擊 那 作 惡 之 家、 又 攻 擊 那 作 孽 幫 助 人 的 。 〔賽 31 1-2〕
外星人致電泰國及為電話支付費用 E.T. Phones Thailand and Picks Up the Tab for the Call Alien Sightings in Asia Go Into Hyperdrive; It's Mars on the Line, Dr. Debhanom 亞洲的外星人目擊進入超空間引擎;火星在線上,Debhanom博士 MAY 6, 2011. The A-HED Translation by Autumnson Blog UFO hunters say Asia's surging economy is attracting international attention--and aliens from outer space. WSJ's James Hookway reports from UFO hotspot Khao Kala Hill in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand. 飛碟獵人說,亞洲起飛的經濟正在吸引國際關注--和來自外太空的外星人。華爾街日報的詹姆斯Hookway從不明飛行物熱點泰國的考卡拉山那空沙旺報導。 KAO KALA, Thailand—Everybody from fund managers to jet-setting diplomats is talking about the world's center of gravity shifting to Asia. Now, extraterrestrials appear to be taking notice, too. 泰國高卡拉 - 每個人從基金經理到噴氣制定的外交官都在談論世界的重心轉向亞洲。現在,外星人似乎在注意了。 Trackers in Colorado at the Mutual UFO Network, one of the oldest unidentified-flying-object research organizations in this world, say that since the slump of the Western banking system in 2008, UFO sightings among Asia's fast-growing economies have accelerated. Suspicious UFOs have shut down airports in China, buzzed contener resorts in Borneo and lit up the night sky in Myanmar. 在科羅拉多州互通飛碟網絡 - 其中一間世界上最古老的不明飛行物體研究機構 - 的追踪者說,因為在2008年西方銀行系統的不景氣,不明飛行物目擊在亞洲快速增長的經濟體經已加速。可疑的不明飛行物已關閉中國的機場,嗡嗡叫在婆羅洲的度假村和照亮緬甸的夜空。 All of that is dealing a fresh blow to the prestige contener of the U.S., which, as the DreamWorks animated movie "Monsters vs. Aliens" observed, "is the only country aliens ever seem to visit." 所有那一切都涉及到對美國聲望的一次新打擊,其中,正如夢工廠動畫電影“怪獸大戰外星人”所觀察的,“是唯一的國家外星人似乎曾到訪過。” "It's not surprising, really," says Debhanom Muangman, a 75-year-old Harvard-educated contener physician and one of Thailand's leading UFO investigators. "Aliens have been coming to Asia for decades, but now they sense a change. contener This is where the progressive countries are, so they are coming here much more often now." “真的這並不奇怪,” 一名75歲曾接受哈佛大學教育的醫生和泰國領先的不明飛行物調查員Debhanom Muangman說。 “外星人已來到亞洲幾十年,但現在牠們感受到一種變化。這是進步國家所在之處,所以現在牠們來得更經常了。”
Extraterrestrials first hit the public imagination in a big way in Thailand in 2006, when villagers in the rural northeast found discarded fever-cooling gel packs and mistook them for visitors from outer space. One woman told local newspapers she cooked a gel pack and served it to her children in the hope that it would make them more intelligent. 外星人首先在2006年的泰國大張旗鼓地打擊公眾的想像力,當時在東北的農村村民發現被丟棄的發燒冷卻凝膠包和誤以為它們是給來自外太空的旅客;一位婦女告訴當地報紙,她煮一凝膠包和端給她的孩子,希望它會令他們更聰明。 In Nakhon Sawan province, 160 miles north of Bangkok, scores of UFO enthusiasts now regularly camp out on a hill known as Kao Kala, which they regard as a kind of Stargate to another dimension. It's a diverse group, including medical students, interior decorators and a soap-opera actor who goes by the name Pete. 在曼谷以北160英里處的那空沙旺省,數十名飛碟愛好者現在經常露宿在被稱為高卡拉的山上,那他們認為是往另一維度的星際之門。這是一個多元化的組織,包括醫學生、室內裝飾和肥皂歌劇演員... On a recent evening, devotees wearing necklaces depicting alien portraits trooped to the top of the hill to harness contener extraterrestrial energy to treat illnesses by laying on hands, or to meditate before a statue of Buddha. Periodically, people jumped up with video cameras when planes or other, less obvious, light sources appeared before settling in for a night of chanting. 在最近的一個晚上,信徒穿著描寫外星人肖像的項鍊成群結隊到山頂,利用外星能量來治病,透過擺手或在一佛雕像前沉思。每隔一段時間,人們帶著攝影機跳起來當飛機或其它不太明顯的光源出現,在安頓作一晚誦經之前。 "The aliens have been coming here to Kao Kala for at least 10 years," contener said Dusadee Prasomsuk, 39 years old. "When we meditate we can understand what they're trying to tell us—we feel it through our bodies and we understand." “外星人一直來高卡拉這裡至少10年,“ 39歲的Dusadee Prasomsuk說。 “當我們打坐,我們可以理解他們是想告訴我們什麼 - 我們感到它通過我們的身體及我們明白了。“ Regardless of whether aliens exist, the slew of sightings is providing yet another measurement of how the world is changing as Asia becomes wealthier and more successful. 不管外星人是否存在,目擊的扭轉在提供然而是另一種量度,世界如何在改變當亞洲成為更富裕、更成功的地方。 Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute in C
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